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For the Week of
June 4-11, 2003

Cover: Meet Your New Neighbor
Anxiety runs high as the federal government takes over a huge chunk of hard-won Santa Cruz open space.

Nüz: Gray Hair Splitting.

Life Is ELSA Ware: ELSA Productions' ELectron SAlon 7 dives into the murky waters of the unconscious and emerges with trippy software, virtual reality and experimental music.

Grace Notes: Jim Carrey doesn't know what to make of his sudden divinity in 'Bruce Almighty.'

Euro-Pudding: The beguiling 'L'Auberge Espagnole' introduces filmgoers to the new Europe.

Fly Away: The secret life of birds is revealed in Jacques Perrin's 'Winged Migration.'

The Rock Show: Showtime With Apollo.

A Real Vine Time: Restaurants and wineries join forces for the Santa Cruz Mountain Vintners' Festival.

[Staff Box]
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