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Fetish Objects: Steven heels, $80. Style by Robin Carlisle and Rachel Burgin of JMS, 1101 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz. All shoes featured available at Shoe Fetish, 110 Cooper St., Santa Cruz. All clothes featured available at Rouge, 110 Cooper St., Santa Cruz.

Fall Fashion 2003

Foot Worship

Santa Cruz is hot on the heels of fashion with the opening of shoe fetish

Photography by Stephen Laufer

It used to be that Santa Cruz was not exactly known for hip footwear. And if you were looking for sexy footwear, well, you'd have better luck at a Scottish clog-dancing competition. (Actually, we hear that many people get lucky at Scottish clog-dancing competitions, but that's another story).

This fall, however, foot fetishists and shoe fanatics can take heart. The locally owned Shoe Fetish has stepped up to toe the farthest edge of footwear fashion, and, finally, Santa Cruz is on the highway to heel. Could this mark the end of Birkenstock's death-grip on local legs? Let us pray, as a few of our finest feet show off Shoe Fetish's line of fall fashion.

Of course, even the most elegantly shoed body is still naked without a suitably stylish wardrobe to match. So we must also give thanks to the fine folks at Rouge, who put the hip wrappings on our shoe fashionistas.

And now, without further ado, the shoe must go on ...

Fetish Objects: Schutz boots, $145 (left pair). Rouched shirt: Miss Sixty, $105. Tapestry mini: Miss Sixty, $141. Steven heels, $110 (right pair). Burnout velvet dress: $297.

Fetish Objects: Steven boots, $187 (left pair), $212 (right pair). Ring shoulder top: 2 By Erin, $107. Leopard print jacket: Milly, $480. Classic black cocktail dress: $315.

Fetish Objects: Schutz boots, $124. Tier cami: Rebecca Taylor, $219. Flower mini: Rebecca Taylor, $197.

Fetish Objects: Steven boots, $187 (left pair), $212 (right pair). Ring shoulder top: 2 By Erin, $107. Leopard print jacket: Milly, $480. Classic black cocktail dress: $315.

Fetish Objects: Steven heels, $80. Satin zip-up: Miss Sixty, $119. Wool pants: Ya Ya, $197.

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From the November 12-19, 2003 issue of Metro Santa Cruz.

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