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The Dork Aptitude Test
Choose one.
1. You decorate your living room with:
2. You worship Shawn Kemp because:
3. Which TV personality projects your approximate level of style and charm?
4. Your last relationship failed because:
5. Favorite Beatle:
6. You hate telemarketers because
7. The last time you visited an art museum, you were most impressed by:
8. The first thing you do upon checking into a hotel room is:
9. You find yourself in an awkward position while dining with friends in a French restaurant: The sommelier has handed you the wine list, but you know nothing about wine. What do you do?
10. Favorite Sinatra:
11. Which more closely describes a typical big night out for you?
12. Which more closely describes a night at the cinema for you?
13. Examine the ink blot. Which of the following phrases best describes the idea it represents to you?
14. You don't listen to alternative rock because:
15. Before making love with a new partner, you...
16. The greatest influence on your life has been:
17. Which late-20th-century scientific development do you consider more important?
18. A genie appears to you and grants you one wish--anything you want. Which are you more likely to choose?
19. In high school, you were voted:
20. At your 10-year high school reunion, classmates were amazed:
Score one point for all "b" answers. Add 100 points to your score if you still haven't figured out that "b" was the wrong answer.
Section 2
Answer the following questions. Score one point for each "yes" response.
Have you have ever . . .
Do you . . .
Does your wardrobe include (add one point per item) . . .
Score one point for each of the following foods that can be found in your refrigerator or cupboard that you purchased for your own consumption.
0 to 5 points: You aren't a dork. In fact, you really shouldn't be such a stuffed shirt. Cut in line at the supermarket. Pass wind in a crowded elevator. Park in the handicapped zone. Wear really large belt buckles.
5 to 15 points: You have dorkish tendencies. People generally like you, but talk behind your back is rampant. You are not beyond hope, but immediate action is necessary. Throw out all your Meatloaf CDs and remove the Pamela Anderson calendar from your cubicle. Today.
15 points or more: You are a dork. But then again, you've probably been hearing that all your life. Information about support groups can be obtained by contacting the International Dorks Institute for Observation, Therapy, and Self-help (IDIOTS). Good luck. And stay out of our neighborhood, would you?
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This page was designed and created by the Boulevards team.
Section 1
From the March 27-April 2, 1997 issue of Metro
Copyright © 1997 Metro Publishing, Inc.