Cover Story: Best of Silicon Valley 2001
The tribe has spoken. Passing the torch for the 16th consecutive year, Metro's Best of 2001 edition celebrates the survivors of Silicon Valley. We've left no stone unturned in examing everything from food to frolic as voted on by our most trusted source: our readers.
News: A Bullet is Forever
Now that Bay Area residents are stocking up on guns, can we expect an increase in homicides, accidental killings and suicide?
Public Eye: Who's thinking about running for what and who's asking whom to get on the ballot.
Sing it Loud: The man who shaped American rock & roll has a lot to say.
Aural Fixation: Date set for posthumous release of Rockin' Rob Dapello's music.
An Even Better Brioche: What's delicious, softly lit and warm all over? Cafe Brioche, five years later.
Red Shoe Diary: 'The Red Shoes' is a tragic story that may never have been staged again, but for one man's determination.
Poisoned Ground: 'Heroes and Saints' shows the effects of pesticides on a human level.
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