Cover: Election Vivisection
Metro's analysis of the county measures and local races and faces in the Nov. 3 showdown. Plus, Santa Clara County's charter amendments.
Max-imum Visibility: Thirty years after he defined a whole era with his art, Peter Max still creates indelible, including the piece on Metro's cover this week.
The Whigs' New Party: One long sexy groove makes 1965 a treat for Afghan Whigs fanatics.
Why Be 'Happiness'?: Happiness and Pleasantville differ not in theme but in attitude.
Magnum Verse: Poetry trumps violence in Marc Levin's Slam.
Porn to Lose: A Mormon becomes a smut-fighting superhero in porn spoof Orgazmo.
In a Jam: In the kitchen, self-preservation can sometimes put a lid on common sense.
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