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I Know Bleep! (and I learned it from Stephen Hawking)
In honor of Stephen Hawking's most recent release, 'A Briefer History of Time,' and Hawking's appearance Nov. 7 at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts, advice columnist the Science Jerk answers readers' toughest questions about life, the universe and everything
By the Science Jerk
DAMN, physics is easy. People go to college for years to learn about it, but if any of the millions of people who bought Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time actually took the time to read the thing all the way through, they'd know just how easy it is to become an authority on theoretical physics like I am.
If you don't like what I have to say about the universe, you're going to have to take it up with Stephen Fucking Hawkingthe chosen one, born on the 300-year anniversary of Galileo's death, who also holds Isaac Fucking Newton's chair as Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. Hella smart, and his wheelchair fighting technique is unstoppable. Hawking's book, A Brief History of Time, taught me everything I know about theoretical physics, and since The Man Himself is coming to the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts Nov. 7, this is the perfect time to open the floor for questions.
My wife of six years and I have decided to open up our relationship, and would like to know more about this 'Gang Bang Theory.' Also, I've heard that the universe is contracting again and will end soon. Does this mean I don't have to use protection?
If the theory of relativity is right, does that mean I can believe whatever I want about physics? My biological father won the Nobel Prize.
My son recently learned in his science class that Einstein actually had two theories of relativity, one 'general' and one 'special.' I find this deeply offensive, as I happen to coach a Special Olympics baseball team and know perfectly well that they obey the same laws of physics as everyone else ... don't they?
Are you sure we're not at the center of the universe? My magic 8-ball begs to differ.
I just finished reading 'A Brief History of Time' and didn't understand a few things. For starters, what the hell was that shit about all those quarks? Up, down, strange, charmed, bottom and top quarks? And what's a glueball? Or a gluon? What's spin?
My boyfriend told me if I gain too much weight, my body will collapse in on itself and create a black hole. That would totally suck! Is there anything I can do to stop it?
Sometimes, when it's dark, I'm afraid there are killers waiting to kill
me. How can I use physics to kill them first?
I want a pet black hole that powers my city and sleeps in the center of the earth, and I want it NOW. Tell me how to get one.
I just saw What the Bleep Do We Know!? and am anxious to start using quantum mechanics in my everyday life. How can I use my thoughts to pass though bank vaults, or to pluck unobserved money from its superposition and into my wallet?
I've been smoking so much dope lately, I can't tell yesterday from tomorrow. Does that
make me a physicist?
My friends say I'm a control freak, but I know deep down that I'm slowing down entropy, the gradual disordering of the universe. Shouldn't I be getting Nobel Prizes?
In the show Quantum Leap, did Scott Bakula's character ever make it home? He helped so many people set their lives straight; if he never made it home, that's pretty screwed up.
Hawking: The Man Behind the Mythos
By Mike Connor
DESPITE WHAT you may have seen and heard at www.mchawking.com, Stephen Hawking never was, and never will be, a gangsta rapper. He also hasn't built himself a robotic exoskeleton, as The Onion would have us believe. But he has become a cultural icon with intelligence and humor; he's been the subject of documentaries; he appeared in Star Trek: The Next Generation as himself (the only person to do so); and has been on The Simpsons not once, but twice, delivering the memorable line, "I came here expecting a Utopia, instead I found a Fruitopia."
Hawking was born in Oxford, England, on Jan. 8, 1942, which happened to be the 300-year anniversary of Galileo's death. At 8 years old he moved to St. Albans, and eventually attended University College, Oxford, and pursued his Ph.D. in cosmology at Cambridge University.
In 1963, shortly after his 21st birthday, Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and was told he had only two years to live.
"My dreams at that time were rather disturbed," writes Hawking. "Before my condition had been diagnosed, I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital, I dreamt that I was going to be executed. I suddenly realised that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved."
Soon thereafter, he was engaged to Jane Wilde and, two years after his diagnosis, he was doing well enough to get a job, and so continued his quest for a Ph.D. Over the next few years, he worked on expanding Roger Penrose's theorem that "any body undergoing gravitational collapse must eventually form a singularity," or black hole. Hawking developed new mathematical techniques to prove that the universe began with a big bang singularitya theory that is still widely accepted today.
Hawking and Wilde had three children together, and up until 1974, he was able to get around more or less by himself, but soon took to giving research students free room and board in exchange for some help getting around.
In 1974, black holes were still believed to be phenomena from which nothingnot even lightcould escape. But Hawking proved that black holes do in fact emit what is now known as Hawking radiation. His calculations also suggested that they should evaporate and eventually disappear.
Hawking caught pneumonia in 1985 and underwent a tracheotomy, which took away his ability to speak. For a while, Hawking communicated by raising his eyebrows when someone would point at the appropriate letter on a letter card. Walt Woltosz, a computer engineer living in California, sent Hawking a copy of his program Equalizer, which allowed Hawking to select words from a series of menus via a switch. He had it and a voice synthesizer installed on his wheelchaira system which he continues to use to communicate. He can "type" about 15 words per minute.
Since 1976, Hawking has held the chair of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. Hawking has now lost two bets he made with Kip Thorne and John Preskill about black holesthe first of which was that they don't exist. Hawking described the bet as "an insurance policy," since he had spent most of his life's work on black holes. If they turned out not to exist, he'd at least have a four-year subscription to Private Eye.
"There is now so much other observational evidence in favor of black holes," writes Hawking, "that I have conceded the bet. I paid the specified penalty, which was a one-year subscription to Penthouse, to the outrage of Kip's liberated wife."
In 2004, he lost another bet to Preskill. Although Hawking had long argued that all the information about mass was destroyed in a black hole, last year he revised that theory, explaining (or at least attempting to) that information about mass is conserved in a black hole and later released, albeit in mangled form.
The BBC News reported that "Preskill said he was very pleased
to have won the bet but added: 'I'll be honest, I didn't
understand the talk.'"
With the new version of his book, Hawking finally got the message: 'Simpler, Please!'
By Mike Connor
Ulysses it's not, but Stephen Hawking's popular guide to theoretical physics, A Brief History of Time, has at least one thing in common with James Joyce's arcane behemoth: they sit prominently displayed on bookshelves, and yet chances are, their owners haven't actually read them cover to cover.
It's not their fault. The simple fact of the matter is that at about a third of the way through, both books veer into esoteric, nearly incomprehensible realms. With Ulysses, most readers accept (albeit bitterly) the intellectual defeat. But with ABHOT, which is pitched as a kind of Complete Idiot's Guide to theoretical physics, it's far easier for proud readers to pretend that, having plowed through Einstein's theory of general relativity with no problem, they're just not in the mood to think about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle or the behavior of anti-quarks. Soon, the book somehow finds its way back to its prominent position on the shelf, and it stays there, two-thirds unread.
Nevertheless, ABHOT's publisher Bantam claims that in addition to a 237-week run on the London Sunday Times bestseller list, the book sold over 9 million copies worldwide in the 10 years after it was first released (on April Fool's Day, 1988). To celebrate, Hawking updated and expanded the original to include a sexy new chapter on wormholes and time travel, but he also included less-than-thrilling updates on progress toward a complete unified theory of physics and new data about fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background radiation. Far from rekindling the mood for another tryst with physics, Hawking's update amounted to little more than an invite to a pocket protector party. That the updated version was even less accessible than the original apparently prompted a science writer named Leonard Mlodinow to help Hawking fix it.
The result, A Briefer History of Time, just released last month, is shorter and less technical, and includes full-color illustrations, one of which is a picture of the wheelchair-bound physicist situated on a graph alongside twin swimsuit-clad Marilyn Monroes.
Atta boy, Stephen.
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