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Janet Orsi

Pin Paint: Tattoos by J&D.

Mark of Pride

I DID MY FIRST TATTOO while I was still in high school," says J.D. (just J.D., thank you) of Tattoos by J&D. "It was a little spider." The enigmatic art form put its mark on him, literally, and he's put putting his own mark on the world ever since, wielding his tools from L.A. to Eureka, ultimately setting up shop in Sonoma County six years back. J.D.'s clientele is split 50/50 between women, whose No. 1 request is roses, and men, for whom dragons are the current "big thing." Suns and moons are also popular. J&D's success, the artist surmises, is the result of all the artists' pride in their work. "We like to think that when we give you a tattoo, then you're wearing a piece of us," he explains. "I know I like to look good, and I assume you want to look good, too. So if you are wearing a piece of me on you, then I want it to be a good piece." 8299 Old Redwood Hwy., Cotati. 795-2611.--D.T.

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From the March 27-April 2, 1997 issue of the Sonoma County Independent

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