[North Bay Bohemian This Week]

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North Bay Bars & Clubs


For the Week of
May 19-25, 2004

Cover Story: The New Faces of Science
When nine lives are just the beginning.

News: Bring 'Em on Home
Santa Rosa military family supports troops, opposes war.

To Do List: Plan ahead for hot fun in the summertime.

Rev: Next time on 'Jenny Jones': Is my vanity plate too sexy?

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Haiti on the Brink: With the island nation torn by armed revolt, Cinequest presents 'The Agronomist,' a timely new documentary about a heroic Haitian journalist.

Body Electric: Rafael Film Center screens rare folk documentary.

Sound Poems: Experimental, weird and firmly dead, Rodd Keith is hot again.

Sound of Strength: Fury is nothing if not resilient.

Cold Is Good: This time of year, we all scream.

Swirl 'n' Spit: Suncé Winery.

American Idol: 'Barrymore' proves that a single great performance is all a one-man show needs.

[Staff Box]
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