[North Bay Bohemian This Week]

[Staff Box]
[Silicon Valley]
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Best of the North Bay


North Bay Bars & Clubs


For the Week of
May 25-31, 2005

Cover Story: Near Greatness:
On considering Al Young, California's newest poet laureate, poet Morton Marcus gives over to the muse.

Just Who Is Al Young?: An interview with the state's new poet laureate.

News: Buyin' Brine
Marin County looks to desalination.

Briefs: Wal-Mart Hits Wall.

Open Mic: Suicide, Unplugged.

Rev: Tools for Women: The owner of the company, Barbara Kavovit, a successful construction contractor, started the series in order to empower women.

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Personal Time: 'Vipassana' doc showcases the power of meditative insight.

Outta Town: Punk royalty and other musings on the small-town scene.

Mo' Town Sound: Bootleg anthology testifies to MC5.

Got Offal?: Adventures in organ meats and other morsels.

Swirl 'n' Spit: Benziger Winery.

Morsels: T.G.I. Wednesday: The Bruni Digest.

News of the Food: Memorial Day Mentionables.

Town Squire: Ken Brown and the art of (Sonoma) living.

Will Bill: North Bay's open spaces prepare for the best of the Bard.

[Staff Box]
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