[North Bay Bohemian This Week]

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Best of the North Bay


North Bay Brew Pub Guide


For the Week of
September 11-17, 2003

Cover Story: Angst for the Memories
It took underground cartoonist Harvey Pekar three decades to become an overnight sensation.

News: Out of the Shadows
Project Censored points out the stories that the mainstream press neglected.

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Tragedy Times 11: The anthology film 'September 11' roils audiences with global perspectives on the Twin Towers attacks.

Femmes Fatale: The Violent Femmes bring their classic alterna-rock to the North Bay.

Mission: Fun: All Girl Summer Fun Band lays it on the line.

The Making of a Poet Laureate: The Book Fair announces Sonoma County's newest poet laureate.

Angèle, Baby: Down by the river, Napa gets an infusion of France.

[Staff Box]
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