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August 22-28, 2007

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Letters to the Editor

Troops Out Now

Official estimates report 3,702 American deaths since March 19, 2003. The number of Iraqi citizens killed is estimated at 69,784 (which is on the low end of the scale). Seems to me that enough people have died—and for what? It is not because of WMDs, not the feeble attempt to link al Qaida to Iraq, thus tying Iraq to 9-11. Lies! Lies on top of lies. Bush, Cheney and Gonzales should be held responsible for their crimes against humanity and for their total disregard for the Constitution. Impeachment must be back on the table. The people demand no less than prosecution for war crimes.

On Sept. 22–29, the Troops Out Now coalition is calling all citizens to come to Washington, D.C., to confront Congress and the Bush regime. An encampment will take place directly in front of the Capitol, and will culminate with a massive march on the 29th. Stop business as usual and make it very clear that no additional funding for this Iraq debacle is acceptable. We demand an immediate withdrawal of all troops. Bring them home now! Closer to home, Los Angeles will have its own encampment with a massive march on the 29th.

Barry Latham-Ponneck, Sebastopol


I want to second Marlene Alves' letter to bring back "Ask Sydney" (Aug. 15). I found the column much more entertaining, useful and sincere than Rob Brezsny's astrological column has ever been. My vote: reinstall Sydney, retire Rob.

Martha Davis , Santa Rosa

Pave Paradise, Put up a Parking Lot

I wanted to express my sorrow re the discontinuation of the "Ask Sydney" column. It was the best advice column in the herstory of the world. So much fun to read the wild questions and the mind-bending answers, and just Sydney's very audacity in offering to answer questions about anything and everything made it a Bohemian highlight for these past few months. At the same time, I am pleased to see "The Green Zone," with a focus that couldn't be more timely or vital. If anyone could fill Sydney's shoes, I guess it could only be Gianna de Persiis Vona.

David MagDalene, Windsor

You know Who You Know

Here we go again, the "who knows who" helping themselves to the taxpayer till, with absolutely no exposure allowed (The Byrne Report, "DiFi Backlash," Aug. 8). Pravda elitists!

I once had an assistant vice chancellor at the University of California tell me, "It's not what you know, it's who you know."

He was referring both to my very fine education and training by some wonderful men in Atlanta, and the "sole-sourced" construction project specs going out to "bid" ad infinitum at that facility. Well, in the end, it's what you know that gets the "who knows who" in lotsa hot water.

Don't stop, Peter! You just can't stop now!

Janet Campbell, San Francisco

Dept. of . .

In his letter of Aug. 15 ("Entitlement Spending"), Dr. Richard Doyle of Monterey's Naval Post-Graduate School accuses Peter Byrne of making an "error" in his reportage regarding budgetary matters. Please note for the record that Peter hotly contests this assertion.

The Ed., Slept Through every semester of Govt. Econ

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