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newspaper cover For the Week of
August 2-9, 2000

Cover: Croaks or Folks?
UCSC isn't about to put a hold on its housing plans just because some endangered frogs call the Aboretum Pond home.

News: Food Fight
Size is all relative at the Santa Cruz Farmers Market.

Nüz: Controversial Bonny Doon winery/entertainment complex to get hearing in August.

Bruce Bratton: The City Council campaign gets off to a slow start; alternative political coverage; the Aloha March on Washington.

Work: When life imitates cartoons.

Conductor Becoming: Marin Alsop keeps her ears open for new American classics at the Cabrillo Music Festival.

High-Tech Takedown: Author Paulina Borsook knows what weird philosophies beat in the heart of the average computer geek.

Hope Sprigs Eternal: For some people, a meal just isn't complete unless it's buried under a mound of taste-free garnish.

A Cup of Kindness: DNew Fair Trade Coffees at Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company benefit the people who actually grow and tend the beans.

Return to Scent: The characters in 'The Five Senses' have no room to roam.

There's No Place Like Home: A twentysomething man refuses to grow up in 'Chuck & Buck.'

Weekly World Web: Doggy Dotcom.

Acting Lesson: Paul Whitworth toys with the artifice of playacting in Shakespeare Santa Cruz's production of 'Kean.'

Plot Machinations: Danny Scheie's take on 'Cymbeline' at Shakespeare Santa Cruz finds the fun in a complex play.

[Staff Box]
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