[Metro Santa Cruz This Week]
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For the Week of
October 20-27, 2004

Cover Story: Bars and Clubs:
2004 edition.

Nüz: Looks like that gopher in 'Caddyshack' has found a new adversary: the Wo/Men's Alliance of Medical Marijuana garden.

Sign Me Up: In a town where people live and breathe politics, City Council candidates grapple with how best to run a campaign.

Rev: Decisions Decisions: I thought I had slumped off into la la land after hearing 'Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time' for the billionth time.

Duck That Huck: 'I ♥ Huckabees': seven characters in search of a movie.

Melancholy Danes: The Shakespearean stage is off-limits to a wannabe actress in 'Stage Beauty.'

They Want Your Skulls: Most Misfits fans think their reunion is pretty scary--and not in a Halloween kind of way. Can 'Project 1950' change their minds?

The Rock Show: 2 Live Crew.

Thirst for Knowledge: Soif co-owner Hugh Weiler likes to get under the assumptions about wine to the kind of truths you can taste.

[Staff Box]
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