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[whitespace] The Goldies 2002

It's a Bird. It's a Plane. It's a Sign!

It's no surprise to anyone who followed the storm of controversy surrounding the River Street Sign that it won the Gold for Architectural Nightmare--and it's no surprise to anyone who understands the deeply contrarian vein of Santa Cruz that the sign also garnered a Silver for Architectural Gem.

Be it their gem or be it their nightmare, Metro Santa Cruz readers were not shy when it came to expressing their opinions about the beleaguered sign, or as one voter called it: "THE SIGN!!!!!"

Other epitaphs scrawled on ballots and aimed at the persecuted plaque included:

  • Waste of local tax $$

  • That hideous yellow sign on River Street

  • That darn sign again

  • The River Street eyesore

  • River Street sign (hideous!)

  • That ugly-ass sign on River Street ($80,000)

  • We have to get rid of the sign!!!!!


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  • From the March 27-April 3, 2002 issue of Metro Santa Cruz.

    Copyright © Metro Publishing Inc. Maintained by Boulevards New Media.

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