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For the Week of
February 15-21, 2006

Cover Story: King of California:
Santa Rosa pro cyclist Levi Leipheimer rides his own roads at the inaugural Tour of California. Michael Shapiro gets it in gear.

News: Water World:
What's so special about a wastewater-treatment plant? Just ask the birds of Petaluma.

The Byrne Report: Greenwashed.

Briefs: Goodwill E-Cycling.

Rev: Venezuela Ride.

Critic's Picks: A guide to the week's best arts, theater and music events.

Again Young: Jonathan Demme films Neil Young in 'Heart of Gold,' with a mix of schmaltz and genuine magic.

Let It Shine: For darph/nadeR, salvation is the noise itself.

America's Rockingest Home Videos: Why settle for MTV when you can make your own?

Remaining Mysteries: Ruminators provide 'Loomings,' not answers.

The Gotta-Try-It Diet: When it comes to slimmer waistlines, is Sonoma the new South Beach?

Swirl n' Spit: Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery.

First Bite: The Red Grape.

Real-Life Kitchen: Holy Haloumi.

'Night' Moves: SSU's Lynne Morrow leads students through Sondheim puzzle.

[Staff Box]
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