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Conspiracy Con

Theorists connect the dots from UFOs to 9/11 Truth to the Council on Foreign Relations at upcoming Conspiracy Con in Santa Clara
THE TRUTHINESS IS OUT THERE: Mulder and Scully would be right at home at San Jose's Conspiracy Con.

AT LAST YEAR'S Conspiracy Con, as soon as I noticed someone offering two Charles Manson biographies for the price of one, I knew I had made the right decision by showing up. When I saw 9/11 Truth stickers next to UFO documentary DVDs, right across the path from health supplements and low-budget horror flicks—all in the same ballroom—I didn't need a red pill to tell me I was in the right place. I just knew it.

Well, 2010 aptly brings us the 10th Conspiracy Con, and all it takes is a little ol' jaunt over to the Santa Clara Marriott during the weekend of June 5–6. If you need to join the Marriott Rewards club, there's still time, although your point accumulation might be secretly tracked by the New World Order.

Hell, even if you don't want to go, the entire conference this year will be streamed live, and you can purchase an electronic ticket to watch all the presentations from the discomfort of your own home. Personally, I'd rather go in the flesh, but the info is now unleashed on the website: www.conspiracycon.com.

Conspiracy Con draws a hodgepodge of beyond-the-curve participants. Last year, I had more than a few people trying to buy my press pass during the event. I couldn't even check my email in the lobby without someone walking up and asking if I was media and how could they sneak in. In general, the event features a room filled with exhibitors, all displaying their wares and ideas at their prospective tables, while the presentations erupt in another room down the hall. This year's exhibitors include many of the usual suspects.

Local San Jose researcher Doug Hawes usually sets up shop at the John Birch Society's table. Among other things, they will be selling an updated copy of the infamous flow chart, the one mapping out how the American elite is all networked together, primarily through membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

"This is the latest edition of this famous wall chart," Hawes told me. "The information is all caught up to date, to reflect the affiliations of the various members of the government under the current Obama administration. But whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican, there will always be CFR members well placed in his or her administration. The Council on Foreign Relations, according to the John Birch Society, is a virtual 'shadow government' within the United States."

The formal presenters, on the other hand, offer perspectives even more, um, interrelated, shall we say. For example, in a presentation not to be missed, legendary occult researcher Michael Tsarion will present his latest extrapolation on how the media subversively uses sacred symbolism in its attempt to control the masses. You will learn more than you ever realized about astrotheology, timegnosis and the Torah/Tarot connections.

And get this: Longtime researcher and journalist Jim Tucker specializes in tracking the activities of the secret global elite group, the Bilderbergs. For decades, he has penned articles about their movements, meetings and agendas. Tucker was scheduled to give a presentation at this year's Conspiracy Con, but at the last minute he found out that the Bilderbergs annual meeting was taking place in Spain at the same time. So he bailed in order to pursue them across the Atlantic. However, during a presentation by his replacement, Tucker will phone in from Spain for 15 minutes and report directly from the hotel where the Bilderbergs are meeting. Now that's a dedicated journalist. I hope he's getting paid.

For info, readers are directed to the conference website for a detailed schedule. But I will say, and perhaps even warn, that Mr. Lobo of the TV series Cinema Insomnia will master the ceremonies and host the banquet.

Conspiracy Con X, 2010

June 5–6

Santa Clara Marriott