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I Saw You

Queen of Selfish Parkers

I saw you Ms. Black Jetta, Queen of Selfish Parkers. Two weeks ago when you parked nearly 4 feet from the curb, you took up two parking spots. What gives? Did your mama not teach you how to share? Maybe you don't realize how crowded the lot gets after a certain hour, but let me tell you, it does. You may come in early and have the pick of the litter but at least have the decency to only take one space. Think back a few weeks ago. I put a note on your windshield—a polite one I thought. It read, "Your parking job is very inconsiderate." Apparently, you don't read or you just don't care. Maybe you would get the hint if I etched it on your windshield, but I won't. My mama taught me better than that.

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