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The Arts
June 6-12, 2007

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Marga Gomez

Photograph by David Wilson
Get this woman a cabana, stat! And don't call her 'the gay Sarah Silverman.'

Triple Threat

Marga Gomez, the 'Latina Lily Tomlin,' gives it up for South Bay Pride

MARGA GOMEZ is hilarious. Devastating. And really nice, too. She's the perfect personality to be a triple threat at Pride—emceeing, performing and ruling with an iron fist as Parade Grand Marshal. She spoke to Metro about her upcoming hat trick, how gay guys love cleavage and which celebrities should avoid San Jose this weekend.

METRO: As Master of Ceremonies at San Jose Pride, do they spoil you? Do you get to wear something special, like Ellen at the Oscars?
MARGA GOMEZ: In addition to the MC gig, I have a standup act on Sunday after the parade, and during the parade I will be one of the grand marshals. So that's three outfits. Saturday, I MC a sort of Lesbian Lilith fair, so I will dress appropriately in a lot of ripped denim. As grand marshal, I want to dress like an old-fashioned marshal from a Western: cowboy hat, a marshal badge and a buckskin vest—faux buckskin, for the vegans. After the parade, I'll have more gay boys in the crowd, so I'll have to wear booty shorts and something low-cut, because surprisingly, gay guys love cleavage.

What are the coolest and uncoolest parts about being the MC?
The coolest part about being the MC is setting the tone for the day and making friends with people I never met before. The uncool part of being an MC is we don't get the best dressing rooms. One year they gave me a porta-toilet to change in. But on Sunday, when I'm a featured act, I'll get a cabana, sushi and a masseuse.

Does the gig impress the ladies?
If me being the grand marshal and waving to thousands in a convertible doesn't impress the ladies, then maybe they aren't gay.

Can you share your most memorable Pride moment from the past?
It involved Jennifer Beals and whipped cream, and that's all I can tell you.

Because you're smart and sassy, does anyone ever call you 'The Gay Sarah Silverman,' and if so, do you find that a compliment, or just annoying?
I've been doing this since before Sarah Silverman, so you could ask her if anybody calls her "The Heterosexual Marga Gomez." Actually, Herbert Siquenza from Culture Clash once called me "The Latina Lily Tomlin." I'll take that.

You're a comedian with a reputation for bringing the brutal truth. What kind of material are you going to let loose with at this year's Pride?
I'm going to take down as many celebrities as I can. I hereby warn Lindsey, Britney, Paris and George Bush to stay away from San Jose unless they feel like crying. I also may dish dirt about my parents-to-be Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. They've adopted every kind of child—why not a Latina lesbian?

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