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I Saw You

Messy Madeleines

I saw you, parents, at the coffee shop where I work in San Jose. You came in with your small child in a stroller and bought two madeleines with your coffees. I don't know how you attempted to feed the cookies to your child, but it would surprise me if any of it was actually eaten. I came around the counter to wipe off the table after you left and found at least two madeleines' worth of crumbs strewn all over the table, chairs and about a 4-foot radius on the floor around the table. I would be very embarrassed to make such a mess in a public place, and the least you could have done would be to have told me, "Sorry about the mess," or, "You might want to wipe up over there." I have noticed that the people who make the biggest messes are people with small children. These are also the people who don't say "Bye!" or "Thank you!" when they leave, they sort of sneak out and try not to be seen leaving. People, if you think your kids aren't paying attention, and that they'll do as you say and not as you do, think again. Enjoy cleaning up after your children, who are learning from you that making a mess and not cleaning it up is the way to be.

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