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Letters to the Editor

Oh No, a Gillmor Conspiracy!

I was intrigued to see that your Sept. 12 cover story ("The Quiet Hand of Gary Gillmor") was about the Gillmor empire.  "At last," I thought!  "Something real other than the rumors and innuendos that the Mercury News reported on ad nauseum when Lisa Gillmor was a member of the Santa Clara City Council." 


I have known Lisa Gillmor since 1992, when I was a resident of Santa Clara.  I was a newcomer to the city, living on the wrong side of the tracks, with no money to speak of, and no political connections. I had a horrible public nuisance in my neighborhood that was created by a prominent Bay Area company who was represented by an even more prominent old-time Santa Claran. It was a classic David vs. Goliath; despite this, Lisa did not shy away from the issue from the moment she became involved.

Lisa provided immeasurable time, help, and support to me and my neighborhood in remedying this nuisance. I worked with her on this for nearly four years to a very satisfactory conclusion. At no time was she motivated by anything other than a love for the city, a strong sense of what was right, uncompromising integrity, and a unwavering commitment to see the problem through.

   Perhaps Metro should investigate whether or not these traits are the ones that have made she and her family so successful rather than the continued wild goose chases/innuendos?

  Oh yeah-—in the interest of full disclosure, I should add that we chose Lisa to represent us in a real estate transaction for a house we located ourselves when we moved from Santa Clara in 1996. I now know that her family owns commercial property within a few miles of my new house, so that must have also been part of the great Gillmor conspiracy as well.

Mary McGuire Saratoga

Hold the ICE

Re "Yo Soy el Army" (MetroNews, Sept. 19): I was interested to see this article finally published, having worked months ago with the author, Deborah Davis, to correct some of the misinformation that she had initially been given by others. I'm disappointed, however, to see many factual inaccuracies in the final version.

Among the most egregious errors is the repeated reference to ICE, or Immigration & Customs Enforcement, being responsible for military naturalization applications. In fact, military personnel file their citizenship applications with the same agency as every other citizenship applicant—United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). USCIS is not ICE. ICE is responsible for deporting immigrants, not naturalizing them, and no one files citizenship applications with ICE.

The process for applying for citizenship has been well-publicized on the Internet and in military units, and there's a brochure that explains the process on the USCIS website at

USCIS also recently publicized its new hotline for helping military personnel with their immigration and citizenship applications. Rather than relying on the inaccurate information contained in your article, I suggest contacting a good immigration attorney or at least the hotline. I also suggest that you fact-check this article and run the necessary corrections.

Margaret Stock Via email

Forgive Us, RFK

Re "Mob Seen" (Cover Story, Oct. 3): I congratulate Metro on its very comprehensive reporting on the current conditions at St. James Park. In the photos of the park, I am pleased that the poor condition of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Forum is shown. Sam Liccardo's staff has done nothing about the problem, and I am also very happy to see a review of the movie concerning the lynching done near the McKinley Statue back in the 1930s. That photograph of the statue shows the site where a minority citizen was lynched during the anti-German-American hysteria in World War I. Isn't it interesting that Chuck Reed and Sam Liccardo would want a lynching site to be well maintained, but both are refusing to inquire as to why the only monument to Robert Kennedy in Silicon Valley is allowed to sit in ruin?

James Rowen Santa Clara

Mob Memories

Re "Mob Scene": I am attempting to write my biography. And in discussing this with my mother (some years ago) she was impressed how much I remembered of the lynching.

My reason for reading your account is that she said I was two years old (1932) but a TV story said five (1935). Your information says 1933. Glad to clear that up.

Dawn Hastings Santa Cruz

You Have Our Vow

Re "Best of Metro"—Best Place to Renew Vows (Cover Story, Sept. 26): Montalvo Arts Center is certainly very pleased to be listed as the best place to renew wedding vows; however, I did notice that our name was listed as Villa Montalvo, which is incorrect.

We would love to be included and considered for future stories or awards, but would also appreciate it if we are listed as Montalvo Arts Center.

Thank you for understanding!

Becki Fowler Montalvo Arts Center Saratoga

Immortal Words

This is just a short note to thank Michael S. Gant for writing such a kind review of my book, The Immortalists (Book Box, Sept. 26).

David M. Friedman New York, N.Y.

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